Our task: We will find qualified employees in the hotel and catering industry, specialists who have been trained abroad, for you. To ideally prepare them for your company and the German job market, these colleagues acquire the language and cultural prerequisites with us.
Your advantage

Specialized Recruitment
We advise competently, find professionals abroad and train them linguistically for your needs: trustworthy, process and result-oriented

Integration right from the start

Experience in international
HR processes

Language training and cultural

Excellent know-how in the
Asian market


Elimination of any bureaucracy

Communicating with guests is a key part of the hospitality/catering professions
International Recruitment
The Southeast Asian archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, with a Catholic majority and around 110 million inhabitants, is a valued recruitment country: almost ten percent of the Filipino population works abroad all the time, many in tourism. Due to excellent education and language skills, Filipino emigrants find their way around Europe very well.
With its 1.2 billion inhabitants has been a country in which good education has been standard for many years.
Thanks to the friendly mentality, Indian employees work in many countries around the world, particularly successfully in the hotel and catering industry. India has been on the WHO White List since 2021 and is becoming increasingly important as a recruitment country
das südostasiatische Archipel im Pazi- fischen Ozean mit katholischer Bevöl- kerungsmehrheit und seinen ca. 110 Mio. Einwohnern ist ein geschätztes Rekrutierungsland: Fast zehn Prozent der philippinischen Bevölkerung arbeit- en ständig im Ausland, viele im Gesund- heitswesen. Aufgrundhervorragender Ausbildung und Sprachkenntnisse finden sich philippinische Auswanderer in Europa sehr gut zurecht.
mit seinen 1,2 Mrd. Einwohnern ist seit vielen Jahren ein Land, in dem gute Ausbildung Standard ist.
Dank der freundlichen Mentalität sind indische Mitarbeiter in vielen Ländern der Welt tätig, besonders erfolgreich im Gesundheitswesen. Seit 2021 steht Indien auf der White List der WHO und wird als Rekrutierungsland immer wichtiger.
mit seinen ca. 34 Mio. Einwohnern ist ein sehr junges Land im mittleren Zentralasien. Usbekistans Wirtschaft hat sich in den ver- gangenen Jahren gut entwickelt. Viele junge Usbeken arbeiten im Ausland – auch als qualifizierte Fachkräfte in Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufen.
Training that makes the difference
Integration begins with language training in the country of origin
School and agency on site
GigaLingua | Language school with boarding school
GigaProfessional Partners Inc. | Land based Manning Agency in the Philippines
– according to client requirements
– requested language level B2

– According to client’s requirements
– Requested language level B2

* Processing times depend on the work of the authorities (or similar)
Prices and services
Included in the standard price:
- Advice on the current situation in the workers’ markets of origin as well as on legal
- Applying for the necessary permits to recruit in the home country
- Screening and pre-selection of candidates according to your specifications
- Organisation of interviews with your company
- Organisation of the language school incl. accompaniment of the candidates and clients throughout the entire period of training
- Regularly conducted integration seminars
- Application for the deficiency certificate in Germany
- Application for the preliminary application for labour market admission
- Application for visa and health insurance membership
- Organisation of entry
- Mediation for integration problems
Possible services on request:
- Organisation of the training plans for the recognition measure with the clients
- Active accompaniment of applicants in the first months after entry
- Organisation of visits to authorities and active support in these processes (Residents’ Registration Office, Foreigners’ Registration Office)
- Opening bank accounts
- Organisation of mobile phone cards
- Intercultural training with colleagues in the house
- Others on request